This is a list of some of the Books and Podcasts I have used and found to be very useful and informative. 


Talks about a man who left a hedge fund and what he went through starting his own hedge fund. 9.5/10

Talks a lot about market trends over the years and patterns and strategies.  8/10

A UGA professor interviewed hundreds of millionaires and explains their habits and characteristics.  9/10

Talks about the difference in mindsets and how risk can scare people away from opportunity.  8/10

Speaks on market trends and investing strategies and how institutions invest. Low score because there is a lot of market talk that gets repetitive but is important.  7/10


I personally use Apple Podcasts and I find all of these on the app. I listen to Wall Street Breakfast every morning and it is a very informative podcast that also has a transcript available for each show.


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